Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your cute...My cute what?

I used to get really creepy messages from really random, creepy guys on MySpace (when I still had a page up. I deleted it for many reasons, including the following). They'd say things like, "your cute, wanna _______?" And the blank was not filled in with fun, non-creepy, suggestions. You get the idea.

Anyway, here's my thing: if you're going to hit on someone, don't do it on MySpace, and don't use such bad grammar (which includes using the word "wanna" for "want to"). I am not the queen of grammar by any means, but this one irks me. The bottom line is:

You're=contraction of you+are

Saying "your cute" makes no sense. Unless you're commenting about something and you add other words. For example: "[I like] your cute [shoes]".


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