Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Skin Factory in Germany. Need I say more?

Here's a snippet to get you thoroughly creeped out before reading the full article:
"Robots and computers control the skin-making process, which takes place in a sterile, climate-controlled setting. The skin broth is closely monitored for any signs of infection and computers guide the lasers and blades that cut swatches of skin. The goal is to pave the way for factory-produced human tissue, complete with blood vessels, that could be used to treat injuries or various medical conditions."

I understand that they're doing this for a good reason and it will hopefully be used in the future to treat injuries, etc., but there's something so creepy about growing skin. AND the fact that it's being done in Germany, with its history of things like making lamps out of concentration camp prisoners' skin in Nazi times, makes me feel a bit quesy.



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Creepy video of a supposedly drunk baby "trashing" a bar

I don't know why I find this so creepy, but I feel like the baby has no clue what's going on, the dolls in the "restaurant" are super weird and creepy, and it just makes me feel uneasy. I think this video has gone around on Facebook and via email a few times, but every time I see it, it doesn't make me laugh. It just creeeeeps me out.


THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY! (At least to me it is)