Thursday, October 24, 2013

At least it's for a good cause?

I appreciate the creativity, and the mission, but man, this mascot is super creepy! But it seems like it is working, and for that, I think it's pretty genius. 

But take a look at that picture. And look at the other picture in the article.


(And thanks to Michael, yet again, for finding this creepiness for me!)

Monday, October 7, 2013

I definitely consider this more "informative" than "creepy", but to each his/her own!

I don't really consider this "creepy", but my co-worker/friend, Ben, does. So I'm humoring him this one time. And then going off to eat a baby...


Well, except for maybe this part: "What's more, the mothers' reward circuits showed far more activation than those of the non-mothers; for moms the sensation one gets when sniffing an infant presumably feels even more like the feeling of having obtained food."

(Shoutout to my friend, Ben Stein, for this gem!)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Adding teeth to plush toys is a bad idea...but apparently a profitable one?

Oh god. I can't decide if it's the teeth or the eyes that make these (formerly very cute plush) dolls make me want to curl up into fetal position and cry. I would post a screenshot, but even I have my limits. You'll just have to take matters into your own hands and click the link:

THAT'S so so so so so TOTALLY CREEPY!

(And if you have nightmares, like I will surely have tonight, feel free to thank my buddy, Hubert, for sending me this link.)

Monday, August 19, 2013

What is up with her foot? Is that a sock with holes in it?

The title of the article pretty much sums it up, "Kate Middleton & Royal Baby's First Portrait Is Just Plain Creepy (PHOTO)". I honestly could not have said it better myself. Apparently, this VERY unsolicited painting was dropped off at the hospital where Kate Middleton was set to give birth to the royal baby, before she was there to give birth. Could you imagine having that waiting for you? As if labor and delivery aren't stressful enough! 

The corgi is pretty cute. Too bad s/he is sitting next to the weird sock with holes in it/pegleg the artist decided to paint for Kate Middleton. 

Here's the full link to the article:


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pantsuit Rainbow! (Not Creepy)

I personally don't find this creepy, but it made me laugh out loud on a pretty crazy day. So I wanted to share it with the world!
Hillary Clinton+Pantsuit Rainbow=Awesome Sauce

Original link sent to me by Michael:

(Thanks, yet again, Michael, for sending me such wonderful fodder for my blog!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Not sure if this is so much "creepy" as it is "hilarious", but I want to share all the same

It has been a few months since my last post. Apologies! I don't think I've ever been this bad with keeping up with this blog! But life is life!

This week has been quite the crappy one: the Boston Marathon bombing, the Texas fertilizer plant explosion, Senate being lame and not passing comprehensive background checks for gun purchases because the NRA owns them, the shootout and manhunt in Boston. DAAAAMN!

So in light of all of the horribleness, here's a temporary brain cleanser!


(Thanks again, Michael. For sending this to me, and for always making me laugh.)