Friday, September 28, 2012

Guess I won't be eating bagels for a while

It is really a shame that I saw this article on "bagel day" at work. Luckily, I had already finished my bagel before I opened the link, but still. I would post a picture here, but every time I look at the pictures in the article, I feel like vomiting. So for selfish reasons, I will not post any pictures here. You'll just have to click through. And my apologies ahead of time. 

"Women (and men) in Asia have been taking part in a different injection "trend" for years: saline bagel-shaped injections on one's forehead."

My favorite comment is from user BrooklynChef: As someone who sells bagels for a living I find this creepy.

Word, BrooklynChef. Word. THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY!