Friday, April 9, 2010

Getting kids ready to be cubicle dwellers at an early age

"If you want to prime your toddler for a life of sitting in a cubicle, please go out and immediately purchase the Little Explorer computer workstation. Seriously, this $2,600 toy is available now"

How sad does this "toy" make you?

And people wonder why there is a childhood obesity epidemic in this country. Look at what we market as "toys"! Sad sad sad and TOTALLY CREEPY.

P.S. I like how the Asian-looking kid (boy, nonetheless) is the one in charge. Awesome. The girls are just there to look stupid.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Tiger Woods Commercial

Here's a link to the actual commercial (scroll down a bit):

Hmmmmmm...I just think it's creepy that his dead father's words have been totally taken out of context and used for this campaign. Weird.

Tiger Woods's dead dad commerical

"In what has to be one of the oddest ads in the history of television, Nike debuted Wednesday night a creepy, 30-second Tiger Woods commercial that features the fallen sports star solemnly staring at the camera while listening to a grim voiceover of his dead dad, the New York Post reported Thursday."

I keep hearing that the most "powerful" part is when his dad is heard saying, "And did you learn anything?" Something tells me this statement has now been taken totally out of context. And I've also heard rumors that his dad was quite the philanderer, so I really don't know how I feel about this new commercial. Using his (accused cheater) dad's voice to make people feel sorry for Tiger seems really weird...and TOTALLY CREEPY.

This just has "THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY" written all over it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Steve Lavin=CREEPY and crappy b-ball coach

Steve Lavin was the men's basketball coach at UCLA when I was there for college. He was probably the most hated man on campus (well, besides the football coach), and we all wanted him to go away. Then he did go away and ended up on TV every weekend. Booo. Now he's coming to New York to coach St. John's.

Here are the parts that really creeped me out the most, and I think it's extra creepy because he was such a sleazeball to all of the girls at UCLA:

Within just a few months of her move, she met Lavin, 45, and was immediately charmed.
"When you come from the Midwest and then you come out here, it's a whole different ballgame," Jarou said. "He just seemed so nice and so genuine."