Friday, July 24, 2009

Exotic or Fungus?

I was sitting across from an Asian girl the other night on the subway and she had purple contacts on. WHY, oh WHY, do (Asian, especially) girls do this? I'm pretty sure they think it makes them look "exotic" or something, but to me, it's just TOTALLY CREEPY. Purple eyes do not naturally occur in this world, and even if they did, I can GUARANTEE you, they would not naturally occur in Asian people.

It makes me sad when people want to change themselves so badly (*cue violin music to play in the background of this rant about Asian girls in America having identity crises*) that they will do something like wear purple contacts. I wonder what would cause REAL purple eyes?! A fungus, maybe? Ewwww. So, basically that girl paid money to make it look like she has a raging case of eye fungus. Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. the last girl i dated had purple contacts

    they're hawt =)
