Sunday, June 7, 2009

Your organs go WHERE?!

Anyone who knows me even a little bit, knows that one of my part-time jobs is that of a wedding guest. I have been to 23 weddings in 3 years, and I have a few more lined up before the end of this calendar year. Anyway, going to so many weddings has led, naturally, to also going to a lot of baby showers and "meet the baby" events.

I'm all about being mature and nodding my head calmly when people talk about painful this, and painful that, and how many centimeters this and how many centimeters that. I took sex ed in school and I've seen "The Miracle of Life". The whole situation really freaks me out, but is also truthfully pretty fascinating...mostly because it's not happening to MY body.

BUT the thing I have learned most recently that TOTALLY blows my mind is finding out that your organs MOVE during pregnancy. What in the world? Organs can't just move, can they? Well, apparently they can, and do. Your organs move up and/or back in your body to accommodate the growing fetus. I'm totally disturbed by this. And they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go (don't worry, it's a cartoon drawing):

I'm sorry, but is it just me or is the small intestine almost COMPLETELY GONE in the 3rd picture? I feel like I really need that to be able to eat the amounts of food that I need to eat to be happy. This whole baby thing is indeed a miracle, but it's mostly a miracle that women have babies after finding out what happens to them during pregnancy...and afterwards.


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