Friday, June 5, 2009

gchat wants us back together

Do you use the IM function in gmail (a.k.a. "gchat")? I haven't quite figured out how to control it, at least in terms of who shows up and who doesn't show up on my chat list. The other day, I was on really early in the morning, so I could see everyone's name that was online because there were so few, and my ex-boyfriend's name popped up all of a sudden on my IM list.

A few thoughts about this:
1) Why is my first reaction to his name popping up to PHYSICALLY duck out of the way, like he's going to see me through my computer?
2) I didn't know he had gmail
3) I can't recall emailing him at a gmail account or vice versa
4) I swear I've deleted him multiple times from my contact list (his yahoo and work email addresses; again, I don't recall him even having a gmail account)

I sent him an IM that just said, "How did you show up on my chat list? THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY!" To which he responsed with some attempt at being cheeky. To which I responded, "Okay, I'm going to delete you now. So you will disappear from my list and I'll disappear from yours." To which he responded, "Yeah yeah. HA HA. Sure. How are you?" To which I deleting his contact info, and therefore his name on my IM list. Niiice.

gchat apparently wants us to get back together. I don't agree with it. But I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he shows up again because that has happened to me before. gchat is like a really annoying friend that is convinced you belong with the wrong guy.


Oh, and BRyan*, if you're reading this (which would be SO incredibly creepy in and of itself), hello! HA HA. (*Of course, all names have been changed to protect the identity of the person described, and any similarities to the names of actual people I know is purely coincidental).

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