I have the weirdest experiences riding the 4 train from the Bronx to Brooklyn after work every night. Tonight was a real treat.
As I was walking through the turnstile, I noticed a man carrying a wooden carved camel statue. It was about 18 inches long and 12 inches tall. Not a tiny wooden camel. I laughed a little just because it was SO RANDOM! The guy didn't have a bag or anything, JUST the camel.
After I walked up the stairs to the platform, the guy with the wooden camel ran up the stairs behind me and then ran over to the trash can. And then tried to STUFF THE WOODEN CAMEL into the trash can. Mind you, the trash cans on the platforms have a round opening that's only about 8 inches in diameter. Needless to say, the wooden camel did not fit. But dammit, that guy tried. He tried as hard as he could to shove that camel in the trash. To no avail. All the while, he is looking over his shoulder at the stairway with this wide-eyed, terrified look on his face. I moved away quickly because it just didn't seem like a good situation. In the end, the guy left the camel next to the trash can. It was really obvious and anyone walking by could totally see the camel.
Anyway...the guy that the camel guy was scared of came up the stairs a minute or so later and started looking around; I'm assuming...for the camel. He walked up to the camel guy and they exchanged a few words. Not loudly. Just between each other. The camel guy kept staring nervously at the trash can, waiting for the 2nd guy to figure out that the camel was stashed next to the trash can.
All the while, everyone on the platform is staring and just trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and trying to stay out of their way in case something bad went down. The train came and I got on, but watched the 2 guys through the open subway car doors. As the doors were closing, I saw the 2nd guy reach down and pick up the camel next to the trash can. And he held it up in the air and then...I don't know! The train pulled away and I will never know what happened. My best guess is that there was something in the camel's saddle that the 2nd guy wanted. Drugs? Sour Patch Kids?
The camel looked like this one but had a pouch on the saddle part:

It was really strange and maybe not TOTALLY CREEPY, but kind of creepy.
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