Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"All I knew was this cat was dead and Pet Sematary is real."

Along with the quotation I used for the title of this blog post, the title of the article is enough to give me nightmares: "Five days after burial, Tampa cat crawls back from grave".  And there are so many parts of this article that are totally creepy, and not just the horrible writing quality.

But there are also so many parts that make me sad. This cat was buried alive! For 5 days! With a broken jaw, ruptured eye, and messed up face! Poor little guy. As much as I hate cats, I would not wish this upon any cat or animal.

Rest of the article here:

THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY in so many ways, but also so very sad for the cat. I'm glad he's okay now...

(BIG shoutout to my friend, Ben Stein, for yet another creepy gem. He's gaining on Michael Sabat as top outside contributor!)