Friday, September 25, 2009

They should re-name one of the subway lines H1N1

I read an article this morning about how ineffective handwashing is against H1N1 (swine flu). Awesome. Here's a section where the author is talking to an epidemiologist from CAL, Arthur Reingold:

"I gave Reingold two scenarios. The first: I'm sitting in a movie theater next to -- but not touching -- someone with H1N1, and he sneezes and doesn't cover his mouth. The second: Someone with H1N1 rubs his nose, shakes my hand, and then I rub my nose. In which situation am I more likely to catch the flu?

That's easy, said Reingold, an infectious disease specialist who advises on vaccine policy for the World Health Organization. The theater incident is much more likely -- much, much more likely, he said -- to give me the flu, since inhaling particles results in a bigger dose of the virus."

Both scenarios make my skin crawl, but I really thought the nose rubbing and hand shaking one would be worse. Nope. I was wrong. Then, armed with this wonderful tidbit of information, I proceeded to get onto 2 different subway trains, FULL of people. Ugh. Gross. I was just WAITING, WAITING for someone to cough or sneeze without covering his/her mouth. AHHHHH!

*Sigh. This winter is going to be TOTALLY creepy and gross for me every time I ride the train. HA HA HA. OCD is really helpful in cities like New York.

Monday, September 14, 2009

He Gives Her a DEADLINE!

This is some seriously creepy stuff, but so freaking hilarious at the same time. This girl hands a guy her business card (mistake #1) to get him to leave her alone and then he leaves 2 really creepy voicemail messages on her cell phone. She calls into a radio station and they get played on the air.

You HAVE to listen to this. Especially the 2nd one.


(Thanks to Sarah for this one!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How badly do you want to live?

Check out where he says, "Tastes a Bit Sharp!" at the 1:13 marker....

THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY...but good to know?!

Thank you to my sister, Karen, for sending this along and for pointing out the comment at 1:13.