It makes me sad when people want to change themselves so badly (*cue violin music to play in the background of this rant about Asian girls in America having identity crises*) that they will do something like wear purple contacts. I wonder what would cause REAL purple eyes?! A fungus, maybe? Ewwww. So, basically that girl paid money to make it look like she has a raging case of eye fungus. Yuck.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Exotic or Fungus?
I was sitting across from an Asian girl the other night on the subway and she had purple contacts on. WHY, oh WHY, do (Asian, especially) girls do this? I'm pretty sure they think it makes them look "exotic" or something, but to me, it's just TOTALLY CREEPY. Purple eyes do not naturally occur in this world, and even if they did, I can GUARANTEE you, they would not naturally occur in Asian people.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
UPDATE: Obama in Mom Jeans! HA!
Guess how hard I laughed when I saw this article, Obama on Mom Jeans: "They're Comfortable":
I don't think his jeans are really that bad. At least he didn't throw out the first pitch in a suit.
Hello, my name is Anxiety Fong. Nice to meet you!
Here's a picture of my sisters and I riding an elephant at Marine World, Africa, U.S.A. (now Discovery Kingdom. Lame.), circa 1985 or so...
Check out the one in the middle. Can we say ANXIOUS?! My arms are actually LOOPED under my oldest sister's arms so that I can clutch onto the metal bar part for dear life, versus holding onto the chain part. Look at how happy Carolyn (in front) and Karen (in back) are! Especially Karen. That girl, with her strawberry t-shirt and matching blue pants, does not have a care in the world. And Carolyn is rocking some super ahead-of-their-times white wrap pants, so she doesn't care that we could FALL OFF OF THE ELEPHANT AT ANY TIME! I was probably saying something like, "What are the safety features of this metal cage/chain apparatus? What is the safety record of this elephant?" Chinese. I was such a worried child. I definitely still go back to that at times (have you ever flown on a plane with me? I pretty much make that same face the whole time), but I'm glad that I've let a lot of it go. I can't stop laughing at how close I am sitting to Carolyn, and how much fun Karen is having. Classic Fong Family memory.
(Special shoutout to my cousin Tien for the picture)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Creepy or Genius? Part 2
My sister, Carolyn, says this is creepy. I think it's part genius, part creepy, but 100% innovative use of space and materials available:
She did point out something that is creepy though: there are only white and Asian people there. THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY when you're in a city like New York.
Creepy or Genius?,
Creepy Randomness,
Not creepy
Monday, July 20, 2009
Then...Now...Creepy? Or Just Sad?
My sister, Karen, sent this to me from her trip to The Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon and other canyons in the Southwestern United States. We can't decide if it's creepy or just sad. These are pictures from a Visitor's Center describing how communication worked "Then" and "Now":


Basically, what visitors can take away from this display is that back in the day, Native Americans used to have to run messages back and forth. Today, they just get overweight and sit at an Apple IIe computer.
THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY?! Or just sad....
Why Are Dolls So Creepy?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Creepy or Genius?
Doritos has a new flavor out called "Tacos at Midnight". I just don't know how I feel about it. I'm totally freaked out, but also totally intrigued. Mostly because I now know that somebody gets paid to name Doritos flavors and is allowed to name them things like "Tacos at Midnight". Amazing.
My favorite part: the name on the bag is written in faux neon lights. AWESOME!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Scene From Last Night
Last night, Carolyn, Matt, Carolyn's friend Dan, and I, were all going to get a few drinks at the Brooklyn Inn after dinner. Apparently this place was in Gossip Girl. Carolyn and Matt can explain in frightening detail which episode it was in and how it was used in the episode, if you care to know. Anyway, it was on our way there that I witnessed one of the most bizarre interactions between 2 people:
Homeless man (to Carolyn and I): Hey ladies, **mumble *mumble
Us: Sorry, have a good night.
Homeless man: *mumble *mumble
**This is where it gets weird. Up until this point, Dan had been a very mild-mannered guy; telling funny stories and jokes at dinner and being very smiley. There was no warning that he would act this way.**
Dan: Hey, is your name James? (I thought they were going to do a special handshake, hug, or something, the tone of his voice was so friendly)
Homeless man: Yeah, I'm James. *mumble *mumble (I'm pretty sure I caught a semi-toothless smile in there too. I think he was thinking he'd get some money from his "friend" that recognized him)
Dan: You tried to stab me 10 years ago. Fuck off! (He starts walking away and the rest of us follow, totally dumbfounded and caught off-guard by what we just witnessed)
Homeless man: *mumble...didn't...stab...*mumble (shuffles off into the night)
WHAT?! What just happened? THAT'S TOTALLY CREEPY...and bizarre!
And then the 4 of us proceeded to cross the street and go into the bar and have drinks and a nice night. Apparently, James tried to chase Dan down and stab him 10 years ago, right near the bar we were at, and well, I guess you never forget a face when it's chasing you...trying to stab you.
It was definitely one of those "you had to be there" moments, but the way that Dan was able to switch gears from mild-mannered guy to "fuck off!" guy was truly spectacular.
Creepiness Courtesy of Amy H. Lee! Warning: NOT SAFE TO OPEN AT WORK!
I've had these little creepy gems in my inbox for the past few weeks, but I keep forgetting to post them. They are courtesy of the one and only Amy H. Lee:
I have no clue where she is getting this stuff, but it's all definitely creepy and weird. I thought the first one was a really bad SNL skit, but unfortunately, it's real. And the 2nd one, well, yeah. I don't know what to say. It's good to talk to your kids about the birds and the bees, etc., but that little comic is scary. I'm just glad the couple decides to put on clothes before they go to the hospital. Because the rest of the time they seem to spend in the buff.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Say CHEESE...I mean, say creeeeepy!
My sister Carolyn, her boyfriend Matt, and I, all went to The Met (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, for those of you not hip on the NYC lingo....hahahaha) on Tuesday to see the sculpture on the roof created by Roxy Paine. Yes, that's his "real" name. Anyway, he creates/welds these huge metal sculptures that look like trees and he made a HUGE one on the roof of The Met. It's incredible. And it's even more incredible for someone like me, that loves welding.
And it's so amazing that I am able to see the sculpture while I'm here in New York. I had noticed a metal tree sculpture in the background of my friends' pictures of their recent visit to Seattle and I googled, "metal tree sculpture, Seattle" and found the artist's name. Then I googled, "Roxy Paine metal trees" and found out about his exhibit at The Met the day after I booked my tickets to come this summer. It was fate. :)
Nothing creepy about the sculpture. It was beautiful. You can see my pictures of the sculpture here:
But check out this picture of Carolyn and I outside of the museum. Ignore the fact that Carolyn is wrapped in a scarf. Look at who is watching us!
I'm filing this one under "creepy randomness" and "not creepy" because:
Roxy Paine Metal Trees=not creepy
Doll strapped to back of man's backpack (though he was with his family and daughter, whom the doll probably belongs to, though we're not 100% sure), staring at us while our picture is taken=creepy randomness
**And a special shoutout to Matt, Carolyn's boyfriend, for indulging my need to take pictures of creepy things/people. After I pointed out the doll strapped to the man's back, Matt immediately started posing for fake pictures on the steps so that we could get a picture of the doll, which paved the way to this magical picture, which Matt actually took. Bravo Matthew, bravo!**
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